Thursday, February 10, 2011

Broken Links

I've been going through some of the archives (I posted on here more than I remember!) and finding several broken links/missing pics. Someday I may go through and fix them, but for now I'll just put up this apology for anyone who goes through the archives and doesn't get the full experience. Sorry!


First, sorry about the long haitus yet again. I'm not going to dedicate more than a couple sentences to it tho, since it happens and prolly will happen often enough that it would just make a boring header.

Yesterday and today I read all the way through the 300+ comics at Around the 250s he started doing strips about one of the most interesting topics to me - dreaming. Specifically lucid dreaming - when you realize you're dreaming and can therefore take control. He mentions using a "veilcracker", or something you can use to remind yourself to question reality (I know, it's starting to sound like Inception, but it works!). When you're constantly questioning reality, you'll question reality in your dreams too, and more easily realize that something's wrong, therefore being able to take control.

I'm now doing that, and I surprised myself by already having success....despite not yet having a veilcracker. Granted, it was during a mid-day nap, when I've always been more prone to lucidly dream, but I was still surprised. I have been using anything and everything to "remind" myself about questioning reality, so that's probably a factor.

In my dream, some guy was attacking me and had a hold on me, digging something sharp or hard into my side. I was scared, but suddenly realized I was dreaming, thinking "Yes! Now I can get away!" But I didn't know how to do it, and no matter how much I "willed" the guy away, the pain in my side wouldn't go away. I phased into the real world long enough to realize that it was a real pain in my side (I'm still not sure what caused it - I assume just a weird cramp since I was sleeping in a chair), so I adjusted to try to relieve it, but I phased back in to the dream and nothing changed much, just a little less pain. I repeated that a couple times until I just had to completely wake up and change position.

So I had my first success. I'm sure all the other factors were the main reason it happened, but I'm still glad I started out with something like this. Now to get myself a veilcracker...I'm thinking I'll just some white paint or white-out or something and paint a little symbol on my watchband. I'll be reporting more eventually. :)